Tuesday, February 5, 2008

San Francisco!

"I left my heart in San Francisco" is much more than merely a song to me this week. As I am reflecting about my weekend retreat there, I am humming the tune and thanking God for each of the women who became a part of my life. I surely left of peace of my heart there. It was such a blessing to actually be "among" the women and closely connect with them - heart to heart. God began "a good work and He will be faithful to complete it". I am praying for each one of you and I thank God for my remembrance of you. Your faces are before me!
Ross is returning to Houston today for the pathology report and plans for further treatment. It was so good to see him on my return. This trip was difficult for me to make, yet I went with the peace of God all over me. I think that's how we are instructed in His Word to "step out in faith." It is not always easy nor comfortable but it is the just the way we walk!
God is so trustworthy so step forth my friend!
love, margaret

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