Wednesday, December 31, 2008


What a God story I have to share with you! Ross and I returned this week to Houston to have a lung needle biopsy done on a suspicious spot that had grown over the past 3 months. It was a quick return trip of only 2 weeks. When the radiologist did the scan that would guide the needle, he discovered that the spot has shrunk considerably and announced that he would not recommend the biopsy be done. Ross was free to go home.
I had barely nestled down for my 4 hour wait when Ross came out fully dressed wearing a huge smile. I made him repeat the miracle news to me 3 times before we reached the elevator. This, my friend, can only be from the hand of our mighty God. What a gift!
He had so gone before us in this already. We had a peace that was from the Prince of Peace alone. And also, the day we got the news that we had to return to Houston so soon, I received a royalty check from the sale of my book which covered our trip almost to the very penny. Another good gift!
So, I am praying for you and me that in every situation, we will see God for who He is and find ourselves consistent and constant worshippers.
I know I have made a great start!
love, margaret

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